47 research outputs found

    Supporting Knitwear Design Using Case-Based Reasoning

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    Organised by: Cranfield UniversityKnitwear design is a creative activity that is hard to automate using the computer. The production of the associated knitting pattern, however, is repetitive, time-consuming and error-prone, calling for automation. Our objectives are two-fold: to facilitate the design and to ease the burden of calculations and checks in pattern production. We conduct a feasibility study for applying case-based reasoning in knitwear design: we describe appropriate methods and show how they can be implemented.Mori Seiki – The Machine Tool Compan

    Rapid heuristic projection on simplicial cones

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    A very fast heuristic iterative method of projection on simplicial cones is presented. It consists in solving two linear systems at each step of the iteration. The extensive experiments indicate that the method furnishes the exact solution in more then 99.7 percent of the cases. The average number of steps is 5.67 (we have not found any examples which required more than 13 steps) and the relative number of steps with respect to the dimension decreases dramatically. Roughly speaking, for high enough dimensions the absolute number of steps is independent of the dimension

    Hierarchical case-based reasoning to support knitwear design

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    Knitwear design is a creative activity that is hard to automate using the computer. The production of the associated knitting pattern, however, is repetitive, time-consuming and error-prone, calling for automation. Our objectives are two-fold: to facilitate the design and to ease the burden of calculations and checks in pattern production. We conduct a feasibility study for applying case-based reasoning in knitwear design: we describe appropriate methods and show their application

    The experimental dramaturgy of Gio. Battista Andreini among Commedia dell’Arte, poetry and theatres for music

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    Il presente progetto di ricerca, nato inizialmente con l’obbiettivo d’individuare in che modo e in che misura, i testi teatrali del drammaturgo e comico dell’Arte Giovan Battista Andreini, detto Lelio, figlio d’Isabella e Francesco, anche loro attori e letterati d’alto livello, risentirono dell’influenza del mondo dei coevi teatri in musica, dall’intermedio al balletto, si è progressivamente evoluto, divenendo, ben presto, uno studio sulle modalità compositive sperimentali dell’Andreini, dove, in verità, la dimensione del sonoro e la manipolazione dell’elemento musicale, non furono altro che uno dei vari aspetti di suddetta poetica dell’innovazione. Analizzando dunque, minuziosamente, tutte le pièce andreiniane e contestualizzandole, di volta in volta, nel composito panorama sociale, politico e culturale, della prima metà del XVII secolo, in Italia come in Francia, giacché egli lavorò in entrambi gli stati con una certa regolarità - per questo motivo le ricerche sul campo si sono equamente ripartite tra i due paesi - si è giunti a ricostruire, nel dettaglio, quel tessuto, variegato e multiforme, di legami ed influenze, caratterizzato dalla perpetua pulsione alla sperimentazione, esistente tra l’universo performativo barocco e quello che può considerarsi uno dei più alti esponenti della commedia dell’Arte italiana dell’epoca, ridisegnando così i confini di una carriera interamente votata al Teatro e durata più di mezzo secolo.This study, at the beginning, had as principal purpose to analyze the interconnections between dramatic works of the playwright and actor, Giovan Battista Andreini, and the different types of theatres for music of baroque age. But, when the research work is started, the original objective, soon, is change. In fact, it’s appear clear that the music dimension in Andreini’s plays was, in truth, a manifestation of his great desire of innovation. So, the music prospective has become the best way to put in the right light the dramatic experimentalism of this playwright, one of the most important for the history of Commedia dell’Arte and Italian literature, and to discovered many, unknown, aspects of his poetry and personal philosophy. The Andreini’s plays was investigated to contextualize them in the Italian and French spectacular societies of Seventeenth century, because Giovan Battista had spent long periods of his career, besides his own country, also in Paris, working at the court of Maria de’ Medici and his son, Luigi XIII

    Authorship ans aesthetics experiments: comparision of results between human and computational systems

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    [Abstract] This paper presents the results of two experiments comparing the functioning of a computational system and a group of humans when performing tasks related to art and aesthetics. The first experiment consists of the identification of a painting, while the second one uses the Maitland Graves’s aesthetic appreciation test. The proposed system employs a series of metrics based on complexity estimators and low level features. These metrics feed a learning system using neural networks. The computational approach achieves similar results to those achieved by humans, thus suggesting that the system captures some of the artistic style and aesthetics features which are relevant to the experiments performed

    Feature selection and novelty in computational aesthetics

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    [Abstract] An approach for exploring novelty in expression-based evolutionary art systems is presented. The framework is composed of a feature extractor, a classifier, an evolutionary engine and a supervisor. The evolutionary engine exploits shortcomings of the classifier, generating misclassified instances. These instances update the training set and the classifier is re-trained. This iterative process forces the evolutionary algorithm to explore new paths leading to the creation of novel imagery. The experiments presented and analyzed herein explore different feature selection methods and indicate the validity of the approach.Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; PTDC/EIA–EIA/115667/2009Galicia.Consellería de Innovación, Industria e Comercio ; PGIDIT10TIC105008P

    The dusty SF history of high-z galaxies, modelling tools and future prospects

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    We summarize recent advances in the determination of the cosmic history of star formation and other properties of high-z galaxies, and the relevance of this information in our understanding of the formation of structures. We emphasize the importance of dust reprocessing in the high--z universe, as demonstrated in particular by IR and sub-mm data. This demand a panchromatic approach to observations and suitable modelling tools. We spend also some words on expectations from future instruments.Comment: 8 pages, to be published in "The link between stars and cosmology", 26-30 March, 2001, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, by Kluwer, eds. M. Chavez, A. Bressan, A. Buzzoni, and D. Mayy

    Fitness Landscape Analysis of Automated Machine Learning Search Spaces

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    The field of Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) has as its main goal to automate the process of creating complete Machine Learning (ML) pipelines to any dataset without requiring deep user expertise in ML. Several AutoML methods have been proposed so far, but there is not a single one that really stands out. Furthermore, there is a lack of studies on the characteristics of the fitness landscape of AutoML search spaces. Such analysis may help to understand the performance of different optimization methods for AutoML and how to improve them. This paper adapts classic fitness landscape analysis measures to the context of AutoML. This is a challenging task, as AutoML search spaces include discrete, continuous, categorical and conditional hyperparameters. We propose an ML pipeline representation, a neighborhood definition and a distance metric between pipelines, and use them in the evaluation of the fitness distance correlation (FDC) and the neutrality ratio for a given AutoML search space. Results of FDC are counter-intuitive and require a more in-depth analysis of a range of search spaces. Results of neutrality, in turn, show a strong positive correlation between the mean neutrality ratio and the fitness value